Father of Celtic

Meet the father of Celtic & Co - Nick Whitworth who chats about Cornwall, hobbies, as well as the 30 year milestone anniversary for the company...

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Question Time with Co-Founder Nick Whitworth

Q: Nick, you're the Father of Celtic & Co, what does that feel like after all these years?

Nick: Celtic has always been like a 3rd child for Kath and I. We've grown it ourselves and believe in what it's about. I've always enjoyed going to work at Celtic & Co, it's not often in life that you get that, especially after 30 years!

Q: Celtic & Co turns 30 this year, this is an incredible achievement! How will you be celebrating and what are the plans for the next 30 years?

Nick: We are looking at launching a special edition boot style again like we did for our 25th, which absolutely flew off the shelves! Also, we are creating a special iconic collection of some of our classic clothing styles, but tweaked to fit current trends.

As for the future, our aim is to continue to grow the company and offer a clothing and footwear range around the world in the most sustainable way possible.

Q: Do you wear any of Celtic & Co's products? If so, what's your favourite?

Nick: Of course I do! Kath and I always wanted to create and offer products for customers that we'd ourselves would enjoy too. I have jumpers, one of our classic sheepskin jackets, as well as boots and slippers

If I had to choose a favourite, it would have to be the Bootee Slipper. The only time you won't find me in them is if we are away on a hot holiday. They even come with me on the yearly snowboard trip!

Q: When at home, how do you spend your down time?

Nick: I absolutely love vegetable gardening, there's nothing better than to grow and enjoy eating your own food. It's healthier for you and tastes so much better. On the healthy note, Kath and I both love to work out, so I do like to gym regularly. 

I'm also a big fan of a box set, so look forward to watching an episode or two to chill out after the gym is done.

Q: You chose to live in Cornwall and build the Celtic & Co business alongside your wife and co-founder Kath in Cornwall. What's the best thing about this county?

Nick: For me, it's the laid back lifestyle. I was posted down here with the RAF when I was younger, met Kath and decided to call Cornwall home at 21. I couldn't imagine living anywhere else now, it's just so peaceful.

To view our small yet mighty menswear range, please click here. Whether you're buying a late Father's Day gift, birthday present or treating yourself, we offer a gift boxing service with options for a personalised message. We can also have your gift sent directly to the man in your life. Go Celtic!